Search Results for "Estradiol Vaginal Ring"

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I've been on Estradiol pessaries for 12 weeks to help with dryness but they are not working What else can I use as it's affecting my sex life with my new partner as I think he thinks he's not pleasuring me and that's not the case. Sex also hurts if we ...

Do you know of a substitute pessary for Vagifem or Ortho-Gynest as these seem to be discontinued locally. Thanks

Which are better? I'm on injecctions, 1ml of progesterone a day, and 0.2 estradiol every 3rd day. But I've seen many web pages that say the jelly is better...vaginal suppositories? That they provide a higher pregnancy rate. is this true?

Has anyone anything good to say about Vagifem [Estradiol hemihydrate]. I have used it for only a week and have had bad headaches, plus terrible pains in my womb. Also pins and needles down my left arm, and even my teeth are feeling very sensitive. I can't ...

about fourteen years ago i had a complete hysrectomy and was on either premarin or estratest...i quit taking hormones about 8 years ago...since then i have had severe derpession and anxiety vaginal dryness,no intrest in sex recently(i think that could be c...

Everytime I have thyroid tests done, my TSH #is high. I am seeing a functional med dr because I wake up during the night and then I start sweating, I don't wake up because I'm sweating I wake up and then I start sweating. She put me on progesterone (50 mg...

what will happen once i stop taking oral estradiol i stopped yesterday after taking 1 1 mg tablet a day for 3 weeks cuz of bleeding and bad cramps

HI, I am 38 years old and had a vaginal hysterectomy when I was 23y due to endometrioses, and a right oopherectomy. I am experiencing dry vagina during sexual intercourse. I had several UTI's during 2008 as well. Is this related to the hysterectomy? ...

I've had a hysterectomy my question is which is better hrt or estridol I don't know what I need to do.

Hi! Could you help me with a question on birth control pills? I was on a triphasic pill for years (Tri Sprintec). It was good for keeping acne under control (which is why I originally went on it at age 20). But in the last few years I began suffering f...

1 - 10 of 10 Results
Condoms, when used correctly and consistently, are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.

Normal vaginal discharge varies in color, smell, consistency and amount. If there is a change in the discharge, an infection may be present.

Genital herpes can spread through direct, unclothed, skin-to-skin contact, including oral, vaginal and anal sex.

Millions of people are diagnosed with at least one sexually transmitted disease (STD), or infection (STI) in the United States each year.

Can you get HIV from casual contact, like hugging, touching, sharing drinks or kissing? How DO you get HIV?

Can I get HIV from surfaces, like toilet seats, doorknobs, shared drinks or pools? How long can HIV live outside the human body, or it's host?

STDs aren't transmitted through clothing. Fabric is a barrier to germs. STDs need unclothed, genital skin-to-skin contact or penetration to transmit.

Chlamydia is an sexually transmitted infection (STI) that often has no symptoms, but must be treated to prevent serious complications.

Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex. Condoms greatly reduce the chances of transmission, but do not eliminate them.

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is medication that people who are at risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may take to prevent infection.

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